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How to build the Start and Finish lines.

These are the start/finish lines you will be building. The green is for the start line and the checkers is for the finish line.

The Humans

Step 1 is to prime both door thresholds.

Step 2 Spray one of the thresholds with gloss green. The starting line is completed.

Step 3 Spary the other threshold with gloss white.

Step 4 Once the white threshold is dry apply strips of 1" masking tape butted edge to edge (short ways).

Step 5 Use a utility knife to cut the masking tape down the center of the threshold (long ways).

Step 6 Remove every other piece of masking tape.

Step 7 Spray the finish line with gloss black.

Step 8 When the black dries remove the remaining tape. The finish line is now completed.

Part Qty. Ea. Total
36 inch Oak Threshold 2 $9.12 $18.24
Spray paint-wood primer 1 $4.50 $4.50
Spray paint-Green Gloss 1 $4.50 $4.50
Spray paint-Black Gloss 1 $4.50 $4.50
Spray paint-White Gloss 1 $4.50 $4.50
Subtotal     $36.24
Sales tax     $2.72
Labor hrs 3 $0.00 $0.00
Total     $38.96
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