
Hi! Cookie the rabbit here I am going to describe to you the obstacles that me and my friends might encounter on your typical rabbit agility course.

Hope you enjoy the obstacle information, Cookie

A-Frames - The doe down the hall from us, Greycee, is demonstrating the A-frame. Basically a ramp going up then a ramp going down. The ramps are about 16" wide by 4' long.

Arch Jumps - That's me jumping over the arch jump this one has a diameter of 18", I had good clearance on that one could have made 24" diameter easy.

Bridges - Here is my friend Harvey working the bridge.  The bridge is nothing more than a ramp up, horizontal surface, ramp down. The ramps are 16" x 4' and the flat horizontal surface is 16" x 8'.

Jumps - The first picture is of my sweetheart Belle as you can see she is analyzing the situation on whether she can make the jump or not. The second picture is me doing a spread jump(jumping two jumps at once) this one being 6" high by 4" wide.

Long Jumps (Fly Jump) - In this picture I am about to jump 3 bars which are 4" apart for a 12" wide span. The widest jump I have ever tried personally and succeeded on is 36" but I am sure I can make 40".

Pause Boxes/Pause Tables - A square the rabbit has to wait in for a determined amount of time. This is a picture of Creme on the pause table waiting. Creme in Pause Table

Teeter Totters - Marble, Marble, Marble he just loves these rocking walkways that are 14" x 8'. He gets so excited using these things he almost hit me in the head with it. The second picture is of my friend Sadie on the teeter, she is such a nice doe.

Tire Jumps - That's me again jumping through a tire that is 12" off the ground, my personal best is 17".

Tunnels - Going through tunnels straight and curved. This is Greycee coming out of the tunnel.

Weave Poles - Here is my classmate Marble working through the weave poles (left, right, left, right). You would think we were in the military.

Water Jumps - Here I am jumping over a water hazard, I don't really need the bars over the water I can jump the water without them.