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The tunnel is fairly simple to build. The bottom is open so pee and poop go on the floor instead of on the tunnel itself. Using dog tunnels with the cloth bottom is an issue since rabbits tend to sit in the tunnel for extended periods and pee and poop in it.

Completed jump

The Humans

Step 1: Purchase a 12" on larger diameter cardboard builders tube (in the cement section of the hardware store).

Step 2: Slice the tube from top to bottom and bend the cardboard outward.

Step 3: Wrap the tube in some interesting wrapping paper.

Part Qty. Ea. Total
12" builders tube 1 $6.50 $6.50
Wrapping paper 1 $3.50 $3.50
Labor hrs. 1 $0.00 $0.00
Subtotal     $10.00
Sales tax     $0.68
Total     $10.68
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